How is the human papilloma virus in men and women, and may be due to viruses, such as in the home?

human Papilloma Virus

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) – the common name of a group of viruses, the different diseases. Known for more than 100 species. Pathogens widespread in the world. To avoid infections, it is important to know how human Papilloma Virus is transferred.

What is an HPV infection?

HPV infection is a group of virus diseases, caused by Papilloma Virus. At the Moment, investigated and documented over 100 types of viruses. Scientists determine for a long time with the study of the morphology of the pathogen, what is allowed, what types of viruses which provoke pathology. Separately, the group has been highlighted by high-risk HPV Onco.

Due to the fact that HPV mainly affects the reproductive system, a lot of attention to the study of problems devote gynecologist. While they will tell you what is HPV in gynecology, note is a high risk for Oncology cervical cancer. Experts have determined that this Virus is said directly, more accurate, 16-th and 18-th types provoke the development of oncological process in the female reproductive organs.

HPV transmission and infection

Virus of the papilloms is known for its resistance against environmental influences, therefore, a long time can stay active in the external environment. This explains the widespread ability of the pathogen to far. However, the direct transmission of HPV through droplet infection is happening. While you tell the transmission of the Papilloma Virus from person to person, physicians point to the obligatory presence of a direct contact with the skin and the mucous membranes, carriers of the Virus.

Routes of transmission of HPV are varied:

  • sexual;
  • Contact Budget;
  • vertical.

The most common method of transmission of HPV

Method for transmission of HPV

For the first time the agent heard from this type of disease, the patients are often at the doctor: is triggered, whether the Virus of the papilloms of the people communicable diseases. The doctors say that this method is the most common. According to the statistics, about 70% of the people who have regular sexual intercourse, are carriers of the Virus of the papilloms. This infection can occur several times in the course of life.

The majority of women and men become infected with HPV after a few months, since the beginning of active sexual life. It is worth noting that it is often HPV belong to the infections, sexually transmitted, however, an infection is possible, and Sex without Penetration. Contact with the genitals, the carrier of the Virus can lead to infections.

Doctors call and the following the infection of HPV:

  • with a kiss;
  • during oral sex.

HPV – methods of infection in everyday life

Some of infectiologists budget highlight the mode of transmission of HPV. The percentage of the spread of the Virus in this way is small, but not entirely ruled out, this is not possible. Virus may remain active for some time, once in the Pool, the Sauna, therefore an infection is possible and in the public areas.

The infection happens in everyday life when kissing, the use of means of personal Hygiene of the affected HPV. In such cases, the risk of infections increase:

  • the weakening of the immunity;
  • Violation of the rules of personal Hygiene.

The risk of Contracting HPV

The probability of infection with HPV increases dramatically with the onset of sexual life. This mode of transmission is as the primary. Experts differ on a number of factors, the presence of which increases several times the risk of infection:

  • early sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the neglect of the means of contraception.

To say separately about the possibility of a infection in childhood. In most cases, HPV is the child from the mother is transmitted during the birth. In the case of the promotion through the birth canal, the infection of the baby occurs. Children are easier to tolerate the infection, you do not have it manifested almost. In addition, thanks to the flow together with mother's milk ready-to-anti-body spontaneous healing is observed.

How is infection with HPV?

Infection with HPV occurs by direct contact of the mucous membranes, the skin of the genitals. During intercourse cracks and damage frequently occur to the mucous membranes, which only increases the risk of infection with HPV. There are some differences in the mechanisms of transmission of the Virus in women and men.

How is the human Papillomavirus in men?

Papilloma Virus

The probability of infection with HPV in men depends on the number of permanent sexual partners. Frequent promiscuity several times to increase the chances of infection. The man, in most cases, it has aware of the presence of the HPV Virus in the body. The result of the spread of the Virus is more. In 90% of cases of sexual relationships, the infection of the partner, happens, was absolutely healthy.

How is a woman human Papilloma Virus?

The ways of infection with HPV in women are not different from those characteristic of men. First of all, the sexual stands. However, the risk of infection in women is increase and some factors.

Among those gynecologists make:

  • early sexual activity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the implementation of abortion;
  • traumatic births in the medical history;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • Stress;
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives.

Is transferred, whether the child is human Papilloma Virus?

The knowledge of the presence of HPV in the body, the women who have a pregnancy in the near future, ask yourself, is transferred, whether human Papilloma Virus from the mother to the child. Experts claim that the risk of infection of the child is present. But in children rarely HPV observed, methods of infection are different from those in adults. The transmission of infection often occurs at the stage of Promotion of the fetus through the birth canal: Virus of the mucous membrane of the mother goes to the child.

It is worth noting that the risk of such an infection is low. In most cases, the body of the baby HPV get rid of within the first 2-3 months of life. This happens due to the release in the infant's organism antibodies along with mother's milk. The biggest risk HPV for children is in the defeat of the respiratory system – the emergence of polyps. Such cases are rare and are regarded rather as the exception.

HPV – through how many after the infection manifested?

Learn about the transmission of the Papilloma Virus, many patients are interested in deadlines for the Manifestation of the first symptoms. Doctors can not say clearly, how soon after infection with HPV.

Crucial is the importance of the following factors:

  • The age of the patient;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body;
  • State of the immune system.

In practice, time-limits for the clinical symptoms of HPV are different. The emergence of genital warts, changes in the affected cells can be observed how after a few weeks and months. In some cases, the first lesions on the skin in the groin area and genitals are found a year later, Papilloma Virus after penetration into the body. The exact time of the penetration of HPV in the body can studies on the basis of the conducted laboratory.

Signs of HPV infection

Symptoms of an infection with HPV occur in lesions of the genital organs. In most cases, the Virus leads to a characteristic cutaneous lesions. Patients fix the warts, the emergence of vulgar warts, and genital. Externally excesses of the data-cauliflower, so do not confuse it with other skin of the symptoms are similar to hard.

In women wart-like growths localized pale pink color:

  • in the area of the labia minora;
  • in the groin;
  • on the clitoris;
  • in the vicinity of the outer opening of the urethra;
  • in the run-up to the vagina.

In some cases, warts are formed in the area of the Anus, if a woman practice anal sex. Strong proliferation of such formations leads to bleeding, soreness, the sensations during intercourse. In men, similar formations of the leg, dam in the area of shame, and more rarely on the surface of the Penis.

Vaccination against HPV after infection

Also, for those in the know, such as human Papilloma Virus is transmitted, it is not always possible to avoid infection. After completed treatment, in order to exclude re-infection with HPV, prevent the development of relapse, the doctors carried out the vaccination against HPV. Vaccinations to prevent the development of a viral infection for the past 15 years and more.